NASA Openscapes

Earth science is changing. We support scientists using data from NASA Earthdata served from the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) as they migrate workflows to the cloud.
We are influenced and inspired by many leaders and community organizers, particularly in the climate and get out the vote movements. That means, we know this isn’t just about us or an effort we can do alone. We are always looking to learn from, with, and for others.
Upcoming Events:
Learn about our recent work: News • Presentations • Flywheel Preprint • White Paper: The Value of Hosted JupyterHubs
earthaccess python library • Earth Science Data Simplified (NASA Earthdata blog!) - A central location for Openscapes JupyterHub access, policies, and fledging information.
Project announcements: NASA • Openscapes • Please connect with us on Mastodon or join our newsletter