Prerequisites & help


If you would like to follow along hands-on during the Workshop, please do the following (20 minutes). All software or accounts are free.

  1. GitHub username
    • Create a GitHub account (if you don’t already have one) at Follow optional advice on choosing your username
    • We will ask for your username at the beginning of the workshop
    • Remember your username and password; you will need to be logged in during the workshop!
  2. Earthdata Login account
    • Create an Earthdata Login account (if you don’t already have one) at
    • Remember your username and password; you will need to be logged in during the workshop!
  3. Get comfortable
    • Consider your computer set-up in advance, including an external monitor if possible. You can follow along in Jupyter Hub on your own computer while also watching an instructor demo over Zoom (or equivalent), and will also want quick-access to Slack to ask for help and follow links.

Getting help

We will use Zoom Chat and Google Doc notes as our main channels for help. Please use Zoom Chat to post questions, direct helpers to any screenshots you’ve pasted or conversations in the Google Doc, and request a breakout room.

To create a screenshot: