

To follow along hands-on during the Workshop, please do the following (20 minutes). All software or accounts are free.

  1. GitHub username
    • Create a GitHub account (if you don’t already have one) at Follow optional advice on choosing your username
    • Your GitHub username is used to enable you access to a cloud environment during the workshop. To gain access, please request access to the NASA Openscapes JupyterHub using this form.
  2. Earthdata Login account
    • Create an Earthdata Login account (if you don’t already have one) at
    • Remember your username and password; you will need to download or access cloud data during the workshop and beyond.
  3. Netrc file
    • This file is needed to access NASA Earthdata assets from a scripting environment like Python.
    • There are multiple methods to create a .netrc file. For this workshop, earthaccess package is used to automatically create a netrc file using your Earthdata login credentials if one does not exist. There are detailed instruction available for creating a .netrc file using other methods here.
  4. Laptop or tablet
    • Participation in the exercises requires a laptop or tablet. Yes, a tablet works too! All participants will have access to a 2i2c Jupyter Lab instance running in AWS us-west 2.