How-To Guides Parking Lot
This is a document to capture and organize How-To Guides that do not, yet, have a place in the Cookbook. I’ve pulled examples from the Hackday Google Doc
Not all of these how-tos may be required. Some may be redundant. Some may be too complicated and could be broken into several How-Tos. Feel free to add comments, links, notes, etc under each suggested How-To. Also suggest changes to the wording. Following the Divio documentation guide, I’ve tried to name how-tos with descriptive names that start “How do I… ?”.
How do I reformat data files?
How do I reproject and regrid?
How do I aggregate data?
How do I plot data?
How do I use Harmony to reproject a data file?
How do I search the USGS Landsat Cloud?
How do I access data in the USGS Landsat Cloud?
How do I find OPeNDAP datasets?
How do I open an OPeNDAP file in the cloud? Include Authentication?
How do I open/access an OPeNDAP file from my local machine?
How do I open a Zarr file in the cloud?
How do I open a COG (Cloud-Optimized-GeoTIFF) in the cloud?
How do I use Kerchunk to reformat files? needs refining
How do I use CMR STAC to access data in the cloud?
How do I use Matlab in the cloud?
How do I add a python package to a 2i2c environment?
How do I reproduce a shared cloud environment on my local machines